Focusing on creating harmonious coexistence
between humans and nature through smart technology

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Water quality online monitoring equipment


"The integration of two networks" refers to the effective connection and integrated development of the two systems of urban sanitation collection and recycling, and the breakthrough of the shortcomings of the two networks' effective coordinated development. Promote the integration of environmental sanitation and material recycling transportation resources, and achieve the sharing and sharing of waste collection and transportation systems with renewable resource logistics lines.

To reduce the huge investment in terminal treatment facility construction, reduce the direct entry of raw waste into terminal treatment facilities, and alleviate the operational pressure of terminal treatment facilities. The company proposes and establishes three major systems: classified delivery, classified transportation, and classified terminal processing, supported by classified sanitation equipment, improving the construction of classification infrastructure, and strengthening effective supervision of the entire classification process. Based on more than 20 years of extensive experience in the sanitation industry, the company has a profound understanding of the use of sanitation equipment, methods of sanitation operations, and planning and design. We can provide the government with systematic solutions for urban and rural cleaning, garbage collection and transportation, environmental sanitation information management, municipal engineering maintenance, and other processes, including the planning, design, construction, and operation of the entire system.

Water quality online monitoring equipment


一、Facility and equipment management

Establish a facility and equipment ledger to manage a list of various facilities and equipment in the park, including equipment names, models, purchase times, maintenance records, etc., in order to timely understand the condition of the equipment. Develop equipment maintenance plans, based on equipment usage and manufacturer recommendations, develop maintenance cycles and plans to ensure the normal operation and extended service life of the equipment.

二、Environmental management

Establish an environmental monitoring system for the park, monitor and record environmental indicators such as air quality, water quality, noise, and exhaust emissions within the park, and promptly identify and solve environmental problems. Strengthen the greening and landscape management of the park, regularly carry out pruning, watering, fertilization and other management work on the greening of the park, and maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the park environment.

三、Safety Management

Develop safety management systems and operating procedures to ensure that all activities within the park meet safety requirements.

Regularly conduct safety inspections and hazard investigations to promptly eliminate safety hazards.

Regularly conduct safety drills and training to enhance the safety awareness and self rescue ability of park employees.


Addr: Shouping Building, No. 104 Shimenkan, Qinhuai District, Nanjing City

Tel: Market consulting:13800000000



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A comprehensive enterprise specializing in the development, design, manufacturing, sales, and service of water analysis sensors and instruments.